Alberta Council of Disability Services

CET Standards Manuals

Creating Excellence Together (CET) has two levels of accreditation as well as three sets of Additional Indicators for survey types that can be used in conjunction with either a Level 1 or Level 2 accreditation site survey. Each accreditation level and each survey type has its own manual, which can be purchased using the ACDS Order Form.

Starting September 2021, service providers have a choice of choosing whether they prefer to use the 2016 Accreditation Standards (and all of their components) for their CET site surveys or choose to updated 2021 Standards. However, the new 2021 Standards will be the only option as of April 1, 2022.

Purchasing Instructions

  1. Download the fillable Order Form; once it is filled out, submit it to the address indicated on the form
  2. Make sure the form includes your choice of formats
    1. Printed manual
    2. Digital manual, can only be download to and viewed from the computer associated with the purchaser's email address
    3. Server manual, can be downloaded to the company server and shared through various digital means (e.g., flash stick) with staff
  3. The digital/server manuals are PDF files that may be printed by the purchaser

Accreditation Standards

The Level 1 and Level 2 manuals each include

  • the Quality of Life, Quality of Service, and Organization Framework standards and indicators
  • explanatory preambles for each standard
  • an Areas to Explore section that uses questions to increase your understanding of what CET is looking for in each standard
  • an Appendices, which includes a Glossary
  • a description of the CET Survey Process

CET Accreditation Level 1 assures your clients that they are getting services from an organization that has met the Alberta Government's minimum required level of excellence

CET Accreditation Level 2 includes everything in Level 1 plus additional "stretch indicators" that service providers can use to show clients that the organization is accountable to a more stringent set of standards and a higher level of excellence

Additional Indicators

ACDS has worked with professionals and workers in the following service areas to create indicators that measure the quality of an organization's services to these specific populations. Each of the Additional Indicators manuals include topic-specific indicators, preambles, and Areas to Explore questions. These survey types can be used in conjunction with either a Level 1 or Level 2 site survey.

Guidelines for the Use of Medications that Influence Behaviour

This booklet is an invaluable guide for any service provider that administers medication to influence behaviour. It explores reasons to use medication to influence behaviour, the types of medication to consider, and how medication can impact individuals. To purchase Guidelines for the Use of Medications, download the ACDS Order Form

NOTE: This booklet should not replace consultation with a qualified professional.