Alberta Council of Disability Services

New Membership

Thank you for your interest in joining ACDS.

Accessible and affordable

Whether you are a community-based agency providing services to individuals with disabilities, an individual/family, or an organization simply interested in supporting the work we do, our membership categories and sliding fee schedule makes membership accessible to everyone.

All members are required to adhere to ACDS Ethical Principles.

Criteria for Membership.  Membership Eligibility Bylaw #1 (June 2022):

ACDS Full Member Associate Member Affiliate Member

Any organization with the primary function to provide services to people who have mental, physical or developmental disabilities in Alberta and demonstrates full compliance with the ACDS code of ethics.

The organization must have Creating Excellence Together Accreditation (or equivalent).


Any individual, family or organization that demonstrates full compliance with the ACDS code of ethics and has interests specific to services to individuals with mental, physical or developmental disabilities but is not required to be CET Accredited (or equivalent) or is currently in the process of being accredited.

Associate Members have no voting privileges.

Any corporation/organization or individual that supports the work of ACDS and its ethical principles, but does not provide services to people with disabilities.

Affiliate Members have no voting privileges. 

ACDS Full Member


$750 to $4,500/year*

Associate Member (Organization)



Associate Member (Individual/family)



Affiliate Member (Organization/



Affiliate Member (Individual)



ACDS Full Member
Associate Member (Organization) Application Associate Member (Individual/Family) Application Affiliate Member Organization Application Affiliate Member Individual

* Membership year is April 1 to March 31. 

Fees effective April 1, 2024