Alberta Council of Disability Services


Latest ACDS research and reports: Latest research and reports informing ACDS' advocacy efforts, including research related to the impact of the pandemic on the sector and the workforce

Accreditation Resources: Resources related to preparing for CET surveys and becoming a CET surveyor

Advocacy Resources: ACDS and external surveys, reports and position papers that inform and support our public policy advocacy work

Emergency Preparedness Resources: Resources to assist Community Disability Services sector organizations to prepare for emergencies

Training and Development Resources: Resources developed to supplement ACDS training programs

Umbrella Newsletter: ACDS' quarterly newsletter. Provides program area updates, along with news and events related to the CDS sector

Workforce Resources: Information and tools provided to support the CDS workforce

Webinars: Pre-recorded video seminars on a variety of subjects across all ACDS program areas


Click here to download the ACDS product order form


Visit About ACDS for staff information, annual reports, and ACDS Strategic Direction

Members are able to log-in to view members only resources, including  the annual workforce survey, membership engagement reports, and updates from our CEO