Alberta Council of Disability Services

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The ACDS Umbrella - October 2023 Issue

October 25, 2023

Welcome to the ACDS Umbrella, our quarterly newsletter


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In This October 2023 Issue


  • Impact+ Webinar Series: Recap 


ACDS Program Updates

  • Recently Accredited CET Level 1 and CET Level 2 Service Providers
  • Updates to Core Courses: Advanced Skills in PBS and Foundations in CDS
  • Recently Launched Course: Introduction to Complex Support Needs and Secure Treatment 
  • Upcoming and Ongoing Training Events: Register today 


Advocacy and Research

  • Project Blueprint CDS: Update
  • CDS Sector Priorities


Sector News and Opportunities  

  • New ED: McMan Youth, Family and Community Services Association
  • Participate in ADWA's Strategic Planning Engagement Session
  • Participate in a Discussion Forum re: Disability-Inclusive Policy in Canada

Impact+ Webinar Series: Recap 

From October 16 to 20, 2023, ACDS hosted the first set of Impact+ webinars centered on the theme, “Supporting Frontline Workers and Emerging Leaders.” As we conclude a week of enriching sessions, we would like to thank the over 250 attendees, speakers, and our sponsor belairdirectfor their participation in the series.


The webinars explored important topics relevant to the disability services sector, from empowering frontline workers to understanding neurodiversity. Stay tuned for future opportunities for continued learning and collaboration.  

If you haven't already, save the date for the ACDS annual conference, Impact 2024! Join us for further learning and a deep dive into current topics and issues within the disability services sector. Registration will launch in early 2024. 

ACDS Program Updates

Congratulations to CET Level 2 Service Providers 


ACDS is pleased to announce that MirkaCare Services has recently achieved CET Level 2 Accreditation. Level 2 service providers are recognized for their innovative and creative approaches in delivering quality services to individuals with developmental disabilities.


?Congratulations to CET Level 1 Service Providers 


?Prospect Human Service Society 

Prince Charles Residence 

Independent Counselling Enterprises Inc. – Edmonton Region 

Independent Counselling Enterprises Inc. – NW Region 

Independent Counselling Enterprises Inc. – Calgary Region 

Independent Counselling Enterprises Inc. – South Region 

Updates to Core Courses: Advanced Skills in PBS and Foundations in CDS


Recognizing the importance of continuous learning and the need to address evolving challenges in our field, we have introduced nine new sections to our Advanced Skills in Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)?training program.


As well, with input and assistance from the Foundations Advisory Committee, we have made significant updates to our?Foundations in Community Disability Studies?training curriculumdesigned to empower you with the latest knowledge and insights to excel in your role as a Community Disability Services worker in Alberta.


Learn more about the Advanced Skills in PBS updates
Learn more about the Foundations in CDS updates
Register for the November 14-16 Instructor-led Virtual Advanced Skills in Positive Behaviour Support Training

Recently Launched Course: Complex Support Needs and Secure Treatment


?In March 2023, ACDS launched an online course titled, Introduction to Complex Support Needs and Secure Treatment to support organizations serving individuals with severe and complex needs. Developed in collaboration with the Calgary Scope Society, the course is designed to provide organizations with the necessary resources to effectively serve individuals who have developmental disabilities along with extremely complex mental health, medical, and/or behavioural needs. It consists of 8 modules, including assessments and a final test, and can be completed at the learner's own pace.

Learn more about the course

Training and Development


ACDS offers several courses and other learning opportunities to disability organizations and staff, giving them the knowledge and tools to provide quality support to individuals with developmental disabilities.


These courses are designed for leaders and frontline staff working in the disability sector and are available to members and non-members. Many courses are relevant to and may be of interest to staff and organizations outside of Alberta.

Online Training


Ongoing courses can be completed and started at a learner's own pace.

View the complete list and register for online training

In-Person and Virtual Training


View the listing of upcoming training, including:

View the complete list and register for upcoming sessions