Alberta Council of Disability Services

Positive Behaviour Support

This course is an introduction to Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) for frontline staff supporting individuals with developmental disabilities who experience behaviours of concern. This PBS course will highlight the importance of knowing the individual, the importance of trust and relationships in the lives of the individuals, and how to support an individual better when they are experiencing behaviours of concern.

As of October 2023, we have made updates to the Advanced Skills in Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) curriculum: read the one-pager to learn more.

Course Learning Outcomes

Participants completing this training will be able to

  • Explain the role of Positive Behavior Support and its relationship to Quality of Life for individuals with behaviours of concern
  • Identify the ethical and philosophical foundations of positive behaviour support
  • Recognize the Creating Excellence Together (CET) standards specific to planned positive procedures and planned restrictive procedures.
  • Explain the relationship between Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) and Person-Centered Planning.
  • Discuss the importance of understanding that behaviours of concern are communication, are functional in identifying unmet needs or are a response to a trigger in the environment.
  • Increase awareness on how to effectively observe and chart events surrounding behaviours of concern that identify communication function or response to a trigger.
  • Identify and define the different types of behavioural strategies and interventions and categorize the interventions as positive or restrictive.
  • Outline staff roles and responsibilities related to implementing positive behavioural support plans.
  • Recognize the behaviour planning process, including the functional behaviour assessment, planning and implementation.


Register for Introduction to Positive Behaviour Support (Online)

Register for Advanced Positive Behaviour Support (Online)