Impact+ Webinars

About the Impact+ Webinars
The Impact+ webinars build on the learning and the discussions initiated at our preceding Impact conferences. Webinar sessions are thoughtfully curated for professionals in the Community Disability Services sector. They aim to empower participants with vital knowledge and insights to excel in their current roles and provide valuable guidance for those aspiring to advance to leadership positions.
Stay tuned on the announcement on the next set of Impact+ webinars by signing up for our quarterly newsletter, The ACDS Umbrella.
Past Webinars
2024 Webinars
- Emergency Preparedness & Response Strategies: Leading with Stories, presented by Diane Magill, BHSSA; Donna Phillips, WJS Canada; and Jung-Suk Ryu, National artAccess Centre
- Transforming Disability Services Through Trauma-Informed Care and Self-Care, presented by Leah Jeffery, Bethesda Services
- Strategic Goals in Intercultural Competency Skills and Soft Skills Development, presented by Stephanie Overand, Vecova
- The Wellbeing Project, presented by Ryan Geake, Calgary Scope Society
- Recruitment and Retention in the Disability Services Sector, presented by Kate Ashton and Janyce Rideout, Salopek & Associates
- Sexuality and Support to Adults with Developmental Disabilities, presented by Diane Wark & Nathan Flaig, Centre for Sexuality
2023 Webinars
- Rich Lives and Safe Service, presented by Lesli Peddie and Ken Hatch of the Calgary Scope Society
- A Trauma-Informed Approach in Harm Reduction, presented by Shannon Harris of Blue Heron Support Services Association
- Creating an Inclusive Workplace by Implementing Supportive Workforce Strategies, presented by Vincent Wells, Indigenous Diversity & Engagement Consultant
- Put Your Oxygen Mask on First: A Self Care Reminder, presented by Deena Martin Ph.D. (Spec. Ed), R. Psych
- Neurodiversity in Action: Empowering Frontline Warriors and Emerging Leaders, presented by Sarah Taylor, Project Manager, Spectrum Advantage