Alberta Council of Disability Services

Become a Team Member

ACDS uses Creating Excellence Together (CET) Accreditation Team Members to gather and record CET Accreditation survey information under the guidance of a survey Team Leader. This is an excellent professional development opportunity for Community Disability Services (CDS) sector staff, allowing them to build their sector knowledge and skill-base, their network of like-minded CDS workers, as well as expertise in specific areas. A per diem honorarium is paid to the surveyor's employer to use at its discretion.

Candidates will have

  • a minimum of five (5) years experience in the CDS field or other human resources field
  • post-secondary education in a related area of study
  • a high level of comfort recording data digitally
  • a high level of comfort working as a team player and with individuals accessing service

Assets include having experience

  • with community service providers
  • in program delivery and/or human services or other organizational area
  • working in areas associated with the Ministry of Community and Social Services, Persons with Developmental Disabilities

Team Member Qualifications: Comprehensive list

How to apply

Complete the CET Surveyor Application form and CET Surveyor Reference form and send to

CET Accreditation Surveyors
Become a Team Leader
Survey Expenses and Compensation