Alberta Council of Disability Services

CET 2021 Standards



ACDS has launched the 2021 version of the Creating Excellence Together (CET) Standards. The 2021 Standards represent a significant shift from the former Standards, reflecting what we heard and what we learned through the most comprehensive review process undertaken since CET’s inception in 1999. The new Standards are guided by a new framework that comprise fewer and a more manageable number of individual standards and indicators.  

Read this factsheet for more information about the CET Standards

As of April 1, 2025, ACDS has determined that a few of the indicators would better serve you with edits to the wording. Please see the Guideline to the 2025 CET Standards Revisions

The CET Standards: 

  • Are more relevant to participating service providers and the individuals they serve 
  • Involve a more streamlined process for participating service providers pursuing accreditation 
  • Will have impact. The standards will ultimately ensure quality services for individuals with developmental disabilities 

Survey Types

  • Accreditation Level 1 for Adults with Disabilities
  • Accreditation Level 2 for Adults with Disabilities
  • Complex Suport Needs Designation
  • Secure Treatment
  • Respite for Children, Youth
  • Accreditation for Services to Children with Disabilities


Standard 1: Inclusion 
Standard 2: Rights 
Standard 3: Service Planning 
Standard 4: Relationships 
Standard 5: Health and Safety 
Standard 6: Human Resources 
Standard 7: Governance and Administration


Introduction to Accreditation & Surveying: 2021 Standards (Generalists): This course is designed for anyone looking to become familiar with the CET Standards, as well as the components and processes of the accreditation survey. 

Introduction to Accreditation & Surveying: 2021 Standards (Surveyors in Training): This course is an introduction to the Standards to allow surveyors in training to become familiar with the CET Standards, as well as the components and processes of the accreditation survey

To order the CET Standards:  Download the ACDS product order form