Alberta Council of Disability Services

Supported Employment

Type Synopsis Region Link/Contacts

Training Resource Network based out of Florida, USA, offers online courses and resources in a variety of employment-related topics, e.g.,

Job Coaching Web Course
covers effective job design, instructional support strategies, and the development of natural and co-worker supports. Registration group rates available.

Employment First manual covers 40 key elements needed to support Employment First, from agency-level restructuring to policy, funding incentives, and technical capacity. It includes a Self-Assessment tool and an appendix of Sample Policies from around the US. There is also an online audio-visual presentation available on the topic.
Provincial Click to visit website
Course Alberta Supported Employment Consultant Training: The purpose of this 2-day training is to provide an overview of the key concepts and necessary knowledge and skills required to support individuals in their endeavours towards community inclusion and participation through competitive employment. Provincial Click to visit website
Resources Alberta Association for Supported Employment (AASE) is an association of service agencies who share a vision and a commitment to Supported Employment. Provincial Click to visit website