Alberta Council of Disability Services

Person-Centered Support

Type Synopsis Region Link/Contacts

Finding Value in My Day: a practical 2-day workshop on improving focused on developing and understanding of how to improve the quality of someone's day.

The Power of Choice: Within this 3-hour workshop, Cara will discuss what "true choice" is, and how it affects people with disabilities. Workshop participants will leave with a better understanding of informed choice and how it can be misused. Discussions will include how we can all support families and people with disabilities, to make real and valuable choices.
Provincial Cara Milne (403) 764-1365

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Person-centred support resources are available on the website of Helen Sanderson Associates (HSA). In Alberta, HSA workshops and courses that connect person-centred support to person-centred plans are offered by Centerpoint Facilitation. These include: Provincial Click to visit website

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Katherine Fleming
Course Person-Centred Thinking: For people being supported by services it is not person centred planning that matters as much as the pervasive presence of person-centred thinking.

If people who use services are to have positive control over their lives, if they are to have self directed lives within their own communities then those who are around the person, especially those who do the day to day work, need to have person-centred thinking skills
Northwest Paulette Gosselin (Falher)
Online Respite Services Training Certificate: An online program delivered through SafeGuards Training and sponsored by the Government of Ontario. It covers:
  • How to Support a Person in a Meaningful Life
  • Communication
  • Boundaries
  • Personal Care
  • Creating a Positive Environment
  • Confidentiality
  • Health and Safety
  • Abuse
  • Providing Closure to the Relationship
Provincial Click to visit website