Alberta Council of Disability Services

Aging with a Disability

Type Synopsis Region Link/Contacts
Resources Ontario Partnership on Aging and Developmental Disabilities has a variety of online resources. Provincial

Click to visit website



Education on Arthritis:

For people with arthritis, learning to make it part of your life can be difficult. The Arthritis Society encourages all people living with arthritis to be informed and involved in their treatment and to be active participants when it comes to leading as healthy a life as possible.The Arthritis Society has regularly scheduled presentations mainly in Edmonton and Calgary, but will do presentations on request throughout Alberta on:
  • Introduction to Arthritis - introduction to a complex subject, delivered in a simple, informative and relaxed manner. (1hr)
  • Arthritis 101 - regionally developed, Arthritis 101 provides sound information and guidance for those recently diagnosed or those who suspect they may have one of the many forms of arthritis. (2 hr)
  • Understanding Arthritis - for those who already have basic knowledge of arthritis and are ready to learn more. It uses anatomical diagrams to illustrate the progression of the most common forms of arthritis and starts the discussion on symptom management. (1 hr)
  • Joint Health in the Workplace - a lunch and learn type session for employers and employees to address the seldom talked about subject of arthritis in the workplace. This information can help create a dialogue that leads to healthier, happier and longer-term employment. (45 min - 1 hr)
  • Chronic Pain Management Workshop - developed to help sufferers manage their pain and improve the quality of their lives. (2 hr)
The Arthritis Society also has resources on their website and office and will do displays at conferences and meetings.
Provincial Click to visit website