CET was created to reflect what Albertans with developmental disabilities said quality of life means for them. This makes CET the benchmark for quality service delivery.
CET Accreditation is a ruler against which service providers can measure the quality of their services on an ongoing basis, and achieve a certificate for their services every three years. The CET Accreditation process supports organizations to strengthen weak or deficient areas.
The CET Accreditation Standards evaluates areas of risk thus helping service providers to identify and manage risk and ensure their processes meet best practice in the field.
ACDS continually monitors best practice in the field and sits on various province-wide committees that keep our knowledge base of field, provincial and governmental activities and trends current. Service providers that live and breathe the CET Accreditation Standards can also acquire that knowledge.
CET Accreditation challenges providers to achieve the highest level of professionalism possible, helps providers to continually nurture professionalism among their staff, and enables providers to determine whether their staff are striving for and achieving expected levels of professionalism.
The CET Accreditation process sparks staff’s enthusiasm about what they are doing because it gives them a stage for highlighting their accomplishments, motivates them to attain higher goals, helps them to buy into the benefits of accreditation, and provides a written record of their organization's successes and accomplishments.
The CET Accreditation Standards adds to the service provider's knowledge of training requirements thereby encouraging ongoing training for its staff in all its service areas, including in the area of supports to individuals accessing service whose lives intersect with multiple systems.
Accreditation Level 2 can inspire providers to increase their involvement in Community Disability Services by getting them to think about mentoring new and upcoming service providers. These activities will, in turn, increase their visibility as leaders in the field.
Persons with development disabilities and their families and guardians want quality services and are, therefore, more inclined to access service providers that show they go the extra distance to provide quality services.